Glycol-free coolant Tepro-0 based on water. It is used in heat exchange circuits (0-100°C) with inhibitors and other additives to protect metals from corrosion.
"Stron" LLC has been working non-stop since the beginning of the full-scale war. Difficult times require conscientious work and effective decisions.
Thanks to the company's results for 2020, "STRON" LLC received the high title "INDUSTRY LEADER 2021" from the National Business Rating.
The National Rating of the Quality of Goods and Services conducted an analysis for 2020 and awarded "STRON" LLC with the expert opinion "Best Enterprise of Ukraine 2020" and the "Quality Star 2020" award.
We participate in the exhibition “INDUSTRIAL COOLING”.
On April 20, 2018, specialists of "Stron" LLC held a seminar "ALL ABOUT COOLANTS: FROM SELECTION TO DISPOSAL."
On April 12, 2019, the educational seminar "Problems of operating coolants based on glycols" was held.
The company "Stron" received the title "Leader of the Year 2018"!
On the basis of expert analysis of the industry and taking into account the performance indicators of the enterprise, LLC "STRON" became one of the best companies in the Kyiv city.
National Business Rating awarded the STRON LLC GOLD among small businesses, as well as the status LEADER OF THE BRANCH.